How to Choose Random Elements From a List in Python

Choose random elements from a list in Python

A common task in Python is choosing random elements from a list. This can be useful in many scenarios like data sampling, game development, or day-to-day scripts. With this tutorial, you will learn several ways to randomly select elements from a list in Python. Select Random Elements From a Python List Python’s random module, provides … Read more

How to Create a Random UUID String in Python

How to Create a Random UUID String in Python

This article will guide you through the process of generating a random UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) string using Python. What is a UUID? A UUID is a 128-bit number you can use to uniquely identify information in computer systems. The term “universally unique identifier” suggests that this ID is unique, which is nearly true, given … Read more

How to Choose a Random Number in Python

Python random

At some point in your development journey, you might have to generate random numbers in Python. In this tutorial, we will see how to do that. The Python built-in random module can generate random numbers (e.g. integers or floats) within a specific range. The NumPy library also provides a random module to generate random numbers. … Read more

Python: How to Print Variables in a String

How to print variables in Python

When working with Python, it’s essential to know how to print variable values within strings. There are multiple ways for you to do this in your programs. This article is designed to guide beginner developers through the process of printing variables in a string, covering the basic use of the print() function, concatenation, and the … Read more

Which Python Version is Best?

Which Python Version is Best?

Python is a popular programming language used in many different ways, like creating websites, working with data, or building artificial intelligence. It’s known for being easy to learn, making it great for beginners and experienced developers. If you are new to programming with Python, you might wonder: “Which Python version should I use?” The simplest … Read more