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Learn with our Python projects
Image Edge Detection in Python using OpenCV
Implement image edge detection in Python. Edge detection is a very common image processing technique.
How to Code the Hangman Game in Python [Step-by-Step]
Create the hangman game in Python. We will follow a step-by-step process and gradually build it.
Create a Random Password Generator in Python
Learning how to create a password generator can be the perfect project to learn or review basic Python concepts.
How to Draw with Python Turtle: Express Your Creativity
Learn to draw with the Python Turtle module. It’s a fun way to learn Python while discovering your creativity!
Text to Speech in Python [With Code Examples]
Create a Python program that converts any text you provide into speech (text-to-speech).
Search for YouTube Videos Using Python [6 Lines of Code]
Search for a video on YouTube using Python. The program you will write can be used for any search.
Join the CodeFatherTech Python Beginner Newsletter
IMPORTANT: This newsletter is only for absolute Python beginners.
Start building your skills as a developer from zero! Learn 5 concepts to start programming in Python and see progress in your programming skills.
python_concepts = [
your_python_skills = []
# Loop through Python concepts
for concept in python_concepts:
if concept not in your_python_skills:

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