How to Draw with Python Turtle: Express Your Creativity
Learn to draw with the Python Turtle module. It’s a fun way to learn Python while discovering your creativity!
Learn to Code. Shape Your Future
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Learn to draw with the Python Turtle module. It’s a fun way to learn Python while discovering your creativity!
The for loop in Python is one of the main constructs you should be aware of to write flexible and clean Python programs. The Python for loop is a control flow statement that you can use to iterate over a sequence (e.g. a string, list, tuple, dictionary, set, string). The for statement executes a specific … Read more
Using args and kwargs can be quite cryptic especially if you are new to Python. Let’s find out together all you need to know about them. What are *args and **kwargs? *args and **kwargs allow to pass an arbitrary number of positional arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) to a Python function. You can use … Read more
A Python decorator is a feature (or design pattern) that allows to enhance the logic of functions, methods or classes without changing the original code. To represent a decorator in Python you can use the @ symbol followed by the name of the decorator. In this tutorial, we will go through 7 things you must … Read more
It’s very common to copy a list in your Python programs. But, what should you absolutely know about copying lists? How to copy a Python list? Python provides multiple ways to copy a list depending on what your program needs to do with the existing list. You can use the assignment operator, the list copy … Read more
Knowing how to check if a Python string contains a substring is a very common thing we do in our programs. In how many ways can you do this check? Python provides multiple ways to check if a string contains a substring. Some ways are: the in operator, the index method, the find method, the … Read more
At some point every Linux user has to modify a file and what better editor to do it than vim, its commands allow you to do pretty much anything you want. What is Vim in Linux? Vim (that stands for Vi iMproved) is the main text editor available on the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) … Read more
The Python assert statement is one of the tools that as a Python developer is available to you to make your programs more robust. What is the Python assert statement? The assert statement allows to verify that the state of a Python program is the one expected by a developer. Expressions verified by assert should … Read more
Knowing how to create an abstract class in Python is a must-know for Python developers. In this guide, you will learn how to define and use abstract classes. But first of all, what is an abstract class? An Abstract class is a template that enforces a common interface and forces classes that inherit from it … Read more
When you create a Python application there is one thing that can make your life a lot easier: class inheritance. Let’s learn how to use it. Class Inheritance allows to create classes based on other classes with the aim of reusing Python code that has already been implemented instead of having to reimplement similar code. … Read more