I want to loop through the lines of a file with a Bash script and one of the ways to do it is using a for loop.
What is a for loop?
A for loop is one of the most common programming constructs and it’s used to execute a given block of code given a set of items in a list. For instance, let’s say you want to write a program that prints the number of people who live in the 10 biggest european cities. The program can use a for loop to go through each city in the list and print the number of people for that city.
The logic executed is every time the same and the only thing that changes is the city.
Below you can see the generic syntax for a Bash for loop:
for item in [LIST]
LIST can be, for example:
- a range of numbers.
- a sequence of strings separated by spaces.
- the output of a Linux command (e.g. the ls command).
The N commands between do and done are executed for each item in the list.
For Loop in Bash
In this article you will learn how to use the for loop in Bash and specifically to go through the lines of a file.
But why would you do that? Going through the lines of a file?
For instance, you might need to do that if you have exported data from an application into a file and you want to elaborate that data somehow.
In this example we will use a simple .txt file in which every line contains:
- the name of a city
- the number of people who live in that city.
Below you can see the format of the text file, a colon is used to separate each city from the number of people who live in that city:
So, how can we use a Bash for loop to go through the content of this file?
First we will store the name of the file in a variable
After that, we will use another variable and the cat command to get all the lines in the file:
Here we are using command substitution to assign the output of the cat command to the LINES variables.
Finally the for loop allows to go through each line of the file:
for LINE in $LINES
echo "$LINE"
Do and done are used to define the commands to be executed at each iteration of the for loop.
For example, if you have a file with 10 lines the for loop will go through 10 iterations and at each iteration it will read one line of the file.
The echo command can be replaced by any sequence of commands based on what you want to do with each line in the file.
Here is the final script:
for LINE in $LINES
echo "$LINE"
And the output of the script is…
We are passing the list to the for loop using the cat command.
This means we can use any commands we want to generate the LIST to be passed to the for loop.
Do you have in mind any other possible commands?
Also, the for loop is not the only option to create a loop in a Bash script, another option is a while loop.
What is a Counter in a Bash For Loop?
In a for loop you can also define a variable called counter. You can use a counter to track each iteration of the loop.
The use of a counter is very common in all programming languages. It can also be used to access the elements of a data structure inside the loop (this is not the case for our example).
Let’s modify the previous program and define a counter whose value is printed at every iteration:
for LINE in $LINES
echo "Counter $COUNTER: $LINE"
As you can see I have defined a variable called COUNTER outside of the for loop with its initial value set to 0.
Then at each iteration I print the value of the counter together with the line from the file.
After doing that I use the Bash arithmetic operator to increase the value of the variable COUNTER by 1.
And here is the output of the script:
Counter 0: Istanbul:15,067,724
Counter 1: Moscow:12,615,279
Counter 2: London:9,126,366
Counter 3: Saint-Petersburg:5,383,890
Counter 4: Berlin:3,748,148
Counter 5: Kyiv:3,703,100
Counter 6: Madrid:3,223,334
Counter 7: Rome:2,857,321
Counter 8: Paris:2,140,526
Counter 9: Bucharest:2,106,144
Break and Continue in a Bash For Loop
There are ways to alter the normal flow of a for loop in Bash.
The two statements that allow to do that are break and continue:
- break: interrupts the execution of the for loop and jumps to the first line after for loop.
- continue: jumps to the next iteration of the for loop.
Having defined a counter helps us see what happens when we add break or continue to our existing script.
Let’s start with break…
I will add an if statement based on the value of the counter. The break statement inside the if breaks the execution of the loop if the counter is equal to 3:
for LINE in $LINES
if [ $COUNTER -eq 3 ]; then
echo "Counter $COUNTER: $LINE"
And the output is:
Counter 0: Istanbul:15,067,724
Counter 1: Moscow:12,615,279
Counter 2: London:9,126,366
As you can see the break statement stops the execution of the for loop before reaching the echo command because COUNTER is 3.
After that, let’s replace break with continue and see what happens. I will leave the rest of the code unchanged.
for LINE in $LINES
if [ $COUNTER -eq 3 ]; then
echo "Counter $COUNTER: $LINE"
And here is the output for the script:
Counter 0: Istanbul:15,067,724
Counter 1: Moscow:12,615,279
Counter 2: London:9,126,366
Weird…the output is the same. Why?
That’s because when the value of COUNTER is 3 the continue statement jumps to the next iteration of the loop but it doesn’t increment the value of the counter.
So at the next iteration the value of the COUNTER is still 3 and the continue statement is executed again, and so on for all the other iterations.
To fix this we have to increase the value of the COUNTER variable inside the if statement:
for LINE in $LINES
if [ $COUNTER -eq 3 ]; then
echo "Counter $COUNTER: $LINE"
This time we see the correct output:
Counter 0: Istanbul:15,067,724
Counter 1: Moscow:12,615,279
Counter 2: London:9,126,366
Counter 4: Berlin:3,748,148
Counter 5: Kyiv:3,703,100
Counter 6: Madrid:3,223,334
Counter 7: Rome:2,857,321
Counter 8: Paris:2,140,526
Counter 9: Bucharest:2,106,144
As you can see “Counter 3: ….” is not printed in the terminal.
Writing a For Loop in One Line
Before finishing this tutorial, let’s see how we can write a for loop in one line.
This is not a suggested practice considering that it makes your code less readable.
But it’s good to know how to write a loop in one line, it gives more depth to your Bash knowledge.
The generic syntax for a Bash for loop in one line is the following:
for i in [LIST]; do [COMMAND]; done
Let’s print the content of our text file with a one line for loop:
for LINE in $LINES; do echo $LINE; done
To simplify things I have removed the COUNTER and the if statement. If they were there the one line for loop would be a lot harder to read.
Try to stay away from one-liners if they make your code hard to read.
In conclusion, in this tutorial you have learned how to:
- Store the lines of a file in a variable
- Use a for loop to go through each line.
- Use a counter in a for loop.
- Change the flow of a loop with break and continue.
- Write a for loop in one line.
Makes sense?
How are you going to use this?
Let me know 🙂
If you want to learn more about loops in Bash scripting have a look at this tutorial.
Related FREE Course: Decipher Bash Scripting

Claudio Sabato is an IT expert with over 15 years of professional experience in Python programming, Linux Systems Administration, Bash programming, and IT Systems Design. He is a professional certified by the Linux Professional Institute.
With a Master’s degree in Computer Science, he has a strong foundation in Software Engineering and a passion for robotics with Raspberry Pi.
Excellent article, very helpful, great to use as quick reminder. Thank you for it.
Every time I run a shell script I run it through shellcheck.net and I ran all your examples.
The last one is susceptible to incorrect behavior due to globbing and word splitting: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2086
Have a go, copy/paste your last script into https://www.shellcheck.net/
It will suggest to put double quotes ” around $LINE
Thanks again for a great article!
Thank you for the suggestion Maciej!